Cutting Edge Technology: Part 2 – Determination Beats Technique

Cutting Edge Technology: Part 2 – Determination Beats Technique

Most people are easily intimidated when confronted. When you are faced by a potential threat, your fight-or-flight response kicks in. You effectively lose your shit or lose your shit… If you get my meaning! So you need to sort that shit out! Training to counter your natural responses, your habitual reactions should be done alongside any actual physical training. But…

The Trainer As Performer

The Trainer As Performer

The Trainer As Performer After countless years teaching a variety of subjects one thing stands out above all else. I have been a performer and it seems performing has been in my blood since I was a youngster. My mother said I was always clowning about and trying to be the centre of things. At…

Top Tips For The Muay Thai Coach

Top Tips For The Muay Thai Coach

  Muay Thai and Modalities I think its safe to say that we have all had the experience of sitting in a lesson and not being engaged.Looking at the clock and wondering when is this lesson going to end. Time seems to slow down and your energy saps away. The teacher or coach obviously has the knowledge…

Cartography of the Mind

Cartography of the Mind

Cartography of the Mind – Navigation for Novices In my previous post I talked about Maps and Territories and I mentioned how maps can sometimes put constraints our ability to stay mobile and flexible and therefore create “problems” and “conflict” in our lives. They limit our Choices. Problems arise mainly from the discord between our…

After Self Development

After Self Development

After Self Development Hi  Guys, We made it to the second installment of the Blog. If you’re a new subscriber welcome! Check out the first one for a bit of background. But in a nutshell… just to get you up to speed… you’re looking at a fresh approach to Self Development. No BS, just honest direct interventions…

Welcome to the Higher Way Code

Welcome to the Higher Way Code

Welcome to this, the first blog of many. This period of lockdown can be viewed in 2 ways: “It’s a disaster and I’m going to lose my business” or “well this is an opportunity not to miss”. I made the decision to take this as an opportunity and to make the most of the extra…
