The Origins Of Muay Thai – A Brief Historical Interlude

The Origins Of Muay Thai – A Brief Historical Interlude

Some of the most prolific empty hand fighters in the world have come from Thailand. The training methods alone make for a well conditioned and physically fit fighting machine, offensive in approach rather than defensive. The attitude of no surrender in  the ring is a legacy from their past. This attitude, having of course been shaped by Thailand’s colourful…

Ram Muay: The Rituals of Muay Thai

Ram Muay: The Rituals of Muay Thai

Ritual plays a significant factor in the daily life of every Thai. From the everyday rituals of honouring the house spirits to the more elaborate public displays expressed in the Water Festival ritual is woven into the very fabric of Thai society. Without going into too much detail, I shall attempt to explain the significance…

Structuring A Muay Thai Class: The Fundamentals

Structuring A Muay Thai Class: The Fundamentals

For some instructors, martial arts are more than just about making money! Although if you looked at some posts you see on Facebook, money seems to be the only motivator. I’m not being critical of that approach, we all need to pay the bills and its right that there should be value placed on your…

Considerations On Setting Up A Martial Arts Club

Considerations On Setting Up A Martial Arts Club

One of the most common questions asked by experienced students who have recently qualified as Instructors is: “What would you think if I opened a martial arts club of my own?” My answer is always the same: “Go for it… But make sure you consider all the possibilities.” Deciding to open a new martial arts club is an…

Muay Thai & Myth – The Heroes Journey Part 1

Muay Thai & Myth – The Heroes Journey Part 1

When it comes to the study of myth one of the most influential books has to be Joseph Campbell’s. “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”. He found that all narratives can be understood in terms of what he calls the “Heroes Journey”. We are all on a journey of sorts and we have a narrative…

Cutting Edge Technology: Part 2 – Determination Beats Technique

Cutting Edge Technology: Part 2 – Determination Beats Technique

Most people are easily intimidated when confronted. When you are faced by a potential threat, your fight-or-flight response kicks in. You effectively lose your shit or lose your shit… If you get my meaning! So you need to sort that shit out! Training to counter your natural responses, your habitual reactions should be done alongside any actual physical training. But…

Top Tips For The Muay Thai Coach

Top Tips For The Muay Thai Coach

  Muay Thai and Modalities I think its safe to say that we have all had the experience of sitting in a lesson and not being engaged.Looking at the clock and wondering when is this lesson going to end. Time seems to slow down and your energy saps away. The teacher or coach obviously has the knowledge…
