Considerations On Setting Up A Martial Arts Club

Considerations On Setting Up A Martial Arts Club

One of the most common questions asked by experienced students who have recently qualified as Instructors is: “What would you think if I opened a martial arts club of my own?” My answer is always the same: “Go for it… But make sure you consider all the possibilities.” Deciding to open a new martial arts club is an…

Muay Thai & Myth – The Heroes Journey Part 1

Muay Thai & Myth – The Heroes Journey Part 1

When it comes to the study of myth one of the most influential books has to be Joseph Campbell’s. “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”. He found that all narratives can be understood in terms of what he calls the “Heroes Journey”. We are all on a journey of sorts and we have a narrative…

Top Tips For The Muay Thai Coach

Top Tips For The Muay Thai Coach

  Muay Thai and Modalities I think its safe to say that we have all had the experience of sitting in a lesson and not being engaged.Looking at the clock and wondering when is this lesson going to end. Time seems to slow down and your energy saps away. The teacher or coach obviously has the knowledge…

Welcome to the Higher Way Code

Welcome to the Higher Way Code

Welcome to this, the first blog of many. This period of lockdown can be viewed in 2 ways: “It’s a disaster and I’m going to lose my business” or “well this is an opportunity not to miss”. I made the decision to take this as an opportunity and to make the most of the extra…
