Meditation in Action – How To Be Assertive Not Aggressive

Meditation in Action – How To Be Assertive Not Aggressive

Last night I ran my usual Tuesday night Meditation Session and as always we have about 45 minutes of lively debate and conversation in between the actual sitting practice. This is when the students will often ask me questions concerning their meditation practices. Usually they will ask about their posture or how to deal with…

Mastering Your Mental State In A Confrontation

Mastering Your Mental State In A Confrontation

In my previous post I talked about the 10 principles of Self Protection. Each of those principles stand on the shoulders of the others, they are for all intents and purposes mutually interdependent. In this post I want to take one of these ideas and spend some time discussing its importance. The principle is Control.…

Effective Self-Protection: 10 Principles

Effective Self-Protection: 10 Principles

Do You practice Martial Arts thinking that you can protect yourself? Think Again! What we now call Martial Arts bear little of no relation to the actual meaning of the term.. The dictionary definition for  ‘martial’ means warlike and to be pertaining to war or fighting. The modern interpretation of the martial arts has kept…

Commit To Sit: Practical Meditation Methods

Commit To Sit: Practical Meditation Methods

The chances are, once you have the idea that meditation requires commitment is in your mind, you will never get started. The task looks just too big. Which is why I suggest 5 minute meditations! Life always seems so hectic that you just don’t feel that you have the time. That’s why I suggest 5…

Cartography of the Mind

Cartography of the Mind

Cartography of the Mind – Navigation for Novices In my previous post I talked about Maps and Territories and I mentioned how maps can sometimes put constraints our ability to stay mobile and flexible and therefore create “problems” and “conflict” in our lives. They limit our Choices. Problems arise mainly from the discord between our…
