Beyond Beliefs – Changing Perspectives On A Changing World

The clear light of awareness is like the shining sun appearing behind the clouds

Around the world, wherever you may go, adherence to beliefs and dogmas are widespread. The continued rise of fundamentalism in every level of society is endemic despite talk of the world becoming more secular.

With the rise of popularism as a cult, we have politicians literally getting away with actions that 20 years ago would have ended in their resignations.

They literally lie daily and not small lies.

They act like the heads of some medieval religious group in the middle ages and the people put up with it. Their ‘believers’ allow them free rein to spread lies and misdirection, without repercussions.

The Press meanwhile stand by and give validity to these ideas by writing sensationalist diatribes that fuel the fire of joy for some and anger for others.

The same goes for that worldwide pulpit crammed with ‘Experts’. The thing we call Social Media.

Some however are dissatisfied with this state of affairs. Tired of religion, politics and the people who lead them and are looking elsewhere in an attempt to make sense of it all.

Some turn to other types of religion than their own.

They turn to the Far East and the Esoteric for answers.

They turn to self-help gurus and New Age ideas for solace, that promise much but deliver little other than dependence on their exciting and enticing doctrines.

In recent times people search closer to home and aspire to return to the teaching of the Greek Philosophers for answers. Stoicism is a recent favourite.

I too have been on the search for a lifetime, all in an attempt to answer the question:

“what is this all about?”

I have always been on the path looking for an answer to the big question.

I have always been on the road.



Being misdirected by myself and others in the search for an answer.

My early studies as a teenager drew me towards Buddhism and in particular Zen, as I felt happy that I didn’t need to believe in an imaginary being for help.

I was always an independent person because of my upbringing and knew that the answer was with me and not some external agency.

I met many charismatic and colourful characters on the road to my personal development and some promised much but never delivered. They never gave me a‘money-back guarantee!’

To be fair, Zen never made promises and simply pointed me toward my own mind for answers. I was always happy with that, but still something was lacking.

What was lacking was that despite all the work, I still had an identification with beliefs.

I was replacing one set of beliefs with a new set of beliefs.

I was simply going round in circles on the path.

I had read the work of Nagarjuna and the work of the Greek Philosopher Pyrrho and the answer suddenly hit me that they were saying the same thing.

I followed that with a re-reading of ‘Outlines of Pyrrhonism’ and then married the two and found a cohesive element in both disciplines. Neither depended on a need for believing anything either one way or another.

I needed to drop beliefs completely.

After discussions with others and more in-depth reading, I came to a decision to collect my thoughts and write them down.

Hence Beyond Beliefs was born.

It’s not been an easy birth but I think it’s almost there which is why I have put this post out.

I know many people with think:

“Just another Self-Help Book”

But maybe that’s just a belief I have. So I’m dropping that one too.

The sense of freedom it gives you is tangible and I remember someone once saying that Beliefs were the chains to Freedom.

They were right.

In order to test out these ideas I am running a two-part course covering these new methodologies.

Join me on the journey.

Money back, guaranteed.


Click here to find out more or register for the ‘Beyond Beliefs’ seminars

