This is a continuation of the previous post: neuro-linguistic-programming-nlp-is-an-attitude-of-curiosity.
Achieving Success through NLP!
Dean: So you used the term presupposition. That sounds complicated. How do they work?
Bob: NLP makes a number of presuppositions. Presuppositions or assumptions are the beliefs a person will find useful in effecting changes to themselves and/or to the world.
Dean: Now your losing me, can you make it clearer please?
Bob: Yes. no problem. Here are some examples of presuppositions:
- Communication is more than what you are saying.
- No one is wrong or broken. People work perfectly to accomplish what they are currently accomplishing.
- People already have all the resources they need.
- Behind every behavior is a positive intention.
- Every behavior is useful in some context.
- The meaning of a communication is the response you get.
- If you aren’t getting the response you want, do something different.
- There is no such thing as failure. There is only feedback.
- Having choice is better than having no choice at all.
- In any system, the element with the most flexibility exerts the most influence.
- The map is not the territory.
- If someone can do something, anyone can learn it.
- You cannot fail to communicate.
Bob: I intend to go into these prepositions in a future post.
How do we overcome our limiting neural patterns, with the help of NLP.
Dean: So what makes me what I am. What makes me tick?
Bob: Well, when we are children we are put into a whole series of emotionally involving situations. In order to overcome them we adopted a series of behavioral strategies which, at that time and for that age, we thought were adequate. If at the age of three we found ourselves in the dark and didn’t know where our parents were, we started to scream, to shake and imagine the monster that our grandfather had always talked about. This type of behavior may have been adequate for a three year old but might not be so at adult age.
Now, we can’t understand why we have such a strong desire to shout when we are in the dark, why we feel awful and we get restless. A part of us has remained trapped, frozen in time at the age of three. Our neural patterns are stuck and follow that sequence.
Dean: Does that mean we are constantly learning new behaviours? So, if we can learn a behaviour like this, does that mean we can unlearn our behaviour?
Bob: Yes. Once we understand this process we can than take steps to change it and therefore changes our perception of the external world and how it affects us.
Self-programming with NLP-hypnosis
Dean: Does that mean I can re-program myself?
Bob: Yes. Hypnosis is a means of direct communication with the unconscious and during guided visualizations you will be induced into a light trance. This will allow you to mould clay, to reshape those behaviors that you no longer need.
We often restrict our life because we think it is restricted. This belief can be challenged and changed.
Dean: So, I can be what ever I want to be?
Bob: What I’m saying is that you have the same potential as anyone else. Using the tools of NLP effectively will allow you to change or tweak your current behaviors and belief systems. It’s about communicating with yourself as well as with others.
Improving your communication skills with NLP
Dean: So how can I communicate in a more effective way?
Bob: It’s far easier than you would think. Are you aware that during a communicative process the right hemisphere prevails. Using percentage figures, 38% is made up of tone of voice and 55% by gesture and body language, representing a total percentage equal to 93%. The other 7% is managed by the logical part, i.e. by words. Therefore it seems plain to me that if we want to manage effective communication we need to interact with the unconscious.
Dean: Now, I’m confused!
Bob: How many times have we listened to people that have given brilliant speeches, yet by the end we still weren’t convinced of their message?
We register and store thousands of bits of information that escape our conscious awareness. This information is processed by the rational side of our brain, yet they get processed by the emotional side. It is our emotional side that makes us like, or dislike, our interlocutor. It is important to get onto the same wavelength as the right hemisphere, as each one of us has his own “frequency”.
When we want to listen to the radio, don’t we search for the right frequency? The first task a good communicator has to do is understand the type of subject he has in front of him.
Dean: So NLP helps you to become attuned to another person?
Bob: Yes, providing they are human or mammals, what ever their age.