Most people are easily intimidated when confronted.
When you are faced by a potential threat, your fight-or-flight response kicks in. You effectively lose your shit or lose your shit… If you get my meaning!
So you need to sort that shit out!
Training to counter your natural responses, your habitual reactions should be done alongside any actual physical training. But like anything requires determination, effort and of course the right method.
In a confrontation you have 2 options
Number 1: Run
Number 2: Take a stand
When you take a stand it’s not just your physical posture, that’s important. In fact, your mental state will determine your physical posture. So I always put mental preparation first.
If you are the type of person who puts the physical training first you are doing it all back to front!
Sort out your mental state first.
Get in the right frame of mind, then train.
In a confrontation, your mental state will often decide the outcome. If an aggressor senses any kind of weakness in your posture, your voice and your level of confidence you will become their next victim.
I would also question, how was it that you ended up in this position, anyway. Were your Awareness drills so bad that you missed the build up that put you in this position in the first place?
My post on Commentary Walking should help with this.
This will be the next post in the series.
Commentary Walking is a great and practical way to build your levels of awareness and has application to every facet of your life. Not just Fighting! Its moving mindfulness!
Nevertheless, you’ve ended up in this position, and it’s now time to Act.
Luckily, most attacks are not Blitz style attacks.
There is, as expected, a small buildup. A word is said, a look, and a position is taken by the aggressor.
These are the rituals that happen in this type of assault. This is where ‘your’ ritual should take place. This is the time for you to Act and therefore you need to learn how to control your mental state during this vital part of the conversation.
Fear is the big determining factor here, and you must be able to control this effectively, quickly and effortlessly.
It should be a habit borne out of practice. This is when the adrenal glands function in the way nature intended. Sometimes seen as a debilitating thing adrenaline does has its positive aspects.
Your perception of this response is governed by your conditioning and personality. You could think of this fight as an opportunity. A chance to show off your skills!
To enact justice on this bully.
It’s party Time.
It’s like Xmas, birthday and Easter all rolled into one. Brilliant!
Most people find this the most difficult part of their training, and at times seems almost impossible.
Acknowledging your fear is the first step in making a friend of fear.
Once fear is an ally, the world is your oyster. A dead, oyster!
In the next post we will explore Commentary Walking, Reframing and we’ll explore how an experienced knife fighter, using the knife correctly and effectively will win, and why you won’t get to defend yourself against him. You won’t be able to disarm him.
So until that next one. Stay Sharp and Keep Reading and Keep Sharing.